

Zambia’s Reform Agenda and Active Diplomacy

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Zambia, one of the rising and prominent actors in Southern Africa, has been attracting attention in recent years with its reform efforts under the presidency of Hakainde Hichilema. The decision-making mechanism under Hichilema’s presidency brings various projects and reforms to the agenda, aiming at Zambia’s economic, social and political development. In addition to taking economic-based steps, moves are also being made to develop and strengthen bilateral relations. On this basis, a strategy is being pursued to improve relations with cooperation partners such as the United States of America (USA), the European Union (EU), Russia, China and India.

Immediately after taking office, Hichilema has taken steps ranging from the deployment of security forces to a drive for economic reform. Efforts are also being made to increase confidence in state institutions. Various contacts are also being made with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) regarding the country’s debts. On June 15, 2023, the IMF announced that Zambia’s creditors were on the verge of finalizing a debt restructuring agreement paving the way for a $188 million payment from the IMF.[1]

The restructuring agreement is crucial for Zambia’s economic development. At the same time, the economic liberalization steps taken within the country are also crucial for future cooperation. Economic reforms are critical to attracting investors and greater cooperation.

Infrastructure works also have a great impact on national development. At this point, it can be said that both domestic activities and regional projects will trigger development. As a matter of fact, the efforts to reactivate the Tanzania-Zambia Railway and Zambia’s role in the Trans-Africa Network Project are of great importance in this sense. Both projects reveal the geostrategic potential of Lusaka.

Domestic reforms that prioritize the constitution and respect for the rule of law have also been welcomed by the international community. For example, the EU Commissioner for International Partnership, Jutta Urpilainen, stated on June 21, 2023 that she visited Zambia to announce increased budget allocations and strengthened cooperation because she was impressed by Zambia’s reform agenda for 2022.[2]

The Union supports Lusaka’s reform efforts. The provision of an additional €110 million to support the country’s economic sectors such as energy, education and health is a critical development. It is also known that three other support programs have been signed for Zambia as the EU’s strategic partner in Southern Africa.  In this context, activities are being carried out to ensure development in many areas, especially in education and health services, green energy and food security.

At the same time, Hichilema aims to increase his international contacts to have a significant impact on the country’s development. One of these contacts is the recently strengthened ties with Egypt. On 19 June 2023, the Zambian Minister of Defence visited Cairo at the head of a high-level military delegation and met with his Egyptian counterpart and senior defense officials. As a result of the consultations, a memorandum of understanding on military cooperation and joint training activities was signed. The defense ministers of the two countries also signed a memorandum of understanding on military cooperation and training.[3] Shortly before these agreements, the Egyptian President paid a visit to South Africa. This visit, which is significant as it was the first of its kind, paved the way for the development of defense-security cooperation between the two countries.

Hichilema also paid a visit to Rwanda on June 21, 2023. This visit is also important for strengthening regional integration, bilateral relations and cooperation.

In addition to domestic developments and national development, Lusaka is seeking to increase its international influence by playing a role in regional developments. Zambian President Hichilema was part of the African Mission that visited Moscow and Kiev to propose a solution to the Russian-Ukrainian War. This demonstrates that Lusaka is as active on global developments as it is on domestic reforms, bilateral relations and regional issues.

Close relations with Russia have also contributed to Lusaka being part of this regional mission. However, Zambia also pays attention to its dialogue with the West and is keen to strengthen ties. The ongoing rapprochement process with the EU is a case in point. The fact that a number of visits have taken place shows that diplomatic activism is being maintained on both sides.

In sum, it can be said that Zambia under the Hichilema presidency has made significant progress in the international arena thanks to the reform steps taken in various fields since 2021. This is evidenced by recent developments such as the recent EU-centered visits, the role played in the initiative to address the Russia-Ukraine War and the rapprochement with China. Partnerships, cooperation agreements and investments with major power countries, which are among the most influential actors in the international arena, strengthen Lusaka’s strategy of prioritizing multi-vectoral policies. Reform efforts in various areas of national development, particularly in the economy, also provide the basis for the development of bilateral cooperation. With the positive progress of the activities carried out with the IMF, it can be said that Zambia will gain more prominence and progress both in the Southern African geography and on international platforms in the coming periods. The positive reception and follow-up of national development reforms by the EU points to new developments in Zambia’s relations with European countries.

[1] “Zambia Nears Debt Restructuring Deal-IMF”, African Business,, (Date of Accession: 21.06.2023).

[2] “We’re Impressed with Zambia’s Reform Agenda – EU”, Diggers,, (Date of Accession: 21.06.2023).

[3] “Egypt and Zambia Agrees to Enhance Military Cooperation and Training”, Military Africa,, (Date of Accession: 21.06.2023).

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