

Xi exchanges congratulations with Trinidad and Tobago president over 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties

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 Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday exchanged congratulations with President of Trinidad and Tobago Christine Kangaloo over the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties.

Trinidad and Tobago is an important country in the Caribbean, and a comprehensive cooperative partner of China in the region, Xi said.

Since the establishment of diplomatic ties 50 years ago, bilateral relations have maintained a sound momentum of development, with deepening political mutual trust and fruitful cooperation in various fields, which have benefited the two peoples, he said.

Xi said that he attaches great importance to the development of China-Trinidad and Tobago relations, and stands ready to work with Kangaloo to take the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties as an opportunity to continue to promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, deepen exchanges and cooperation in various fields, and take the China-Trinidad and Tobago comprehensive cooperative partnership to a higher level.

Kangaloo said that the establishment of diplomatic ties between Trinidad and Tobago and China was based on the shared wish of both sides to develop friendly relations and cooperation.