

Venezuelan President says direct talks with the US have resumed


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Venezuela is resuming direct talks with the United States with a view to restoring relations between the two countries.

This statement was made by Bolivarian Republic President Nicolas Maduro in the programme “With Maduro Plus” broadcast on the Venezolana de Televisión TV channel, the Report reported, citing TASS.

“I accepted the US government’s offer to resume direct dialogue,” Maduro said. Maduro noted that the talks, which will begin on 3 July, will involve the President of the National Assembly (parliament), Jorge Rodriguez Gomez, as “head of the national dialogue” and Hector Rodriguez Castro as “Venezuela’s representative in the negotiations”.

“We will negotiate to make new agreements and ensure the fulfilment of previous agreements,” the president said. “I am for dialogue, for mutual understanding, for the future of our relations, for change with full respect for Venezuela’s sovereignty and independence,” Maduro stressed.

The Venezuelan government severed diplomatic relations with the United States on 23 January 2019 after the US administration recognised Juan Guaido as interim head of state. The United States and its allies have unilaterally imposed more than 930 restrictive measures against Venezuela.