
Iyad Ag Ghaly Verdict of the International Criminal Court

The security situation in the Sahel could change with the arrest of Iyad Ag Ghaly.
The arrest warrant could change the political and military balance in the region, leading countries in the Sahel (especially Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger) to develop more effective counter-terrorism strategies.
Ghaly’s arrest sends the message that similar steps could be taken against other leaders.


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On June 21, 2024, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an arrest warrant against Iyad Ag Ghaly, one of the main jihadist leaders in Mali.[1]  Iyad Ag Ghaly is a figure who has been involved in terrorist activities in the Sahel region for many years and is held responsible for the deaths of many civilians.

The ICC’s move shows the international community’s commitment to fighting jihadist movements in the region and adds a new dimension to counter-terrorism efforts in the Sahel. The arrest warrant seeks to prosecute Ghaly for crimes against humanity and war crimes. The announcement of the arrest warrant also provides moral support to international operations against terrorist organizations in the Sahel. It also emphasizes the importance of international law in the fight against terrorism. This decision could also contribute to improving the security situation in the region.

Iyad Ag Ghaly, born in 1954, is a Malian citizen of Tuareg origin. Known as one of the leaders of the Tuareg rebellions in the 1990s, Ghaly eventually joined radical Islamist groups and became one of the leading figures of the jihadist movement in the region. In 2012, after the rebellions in Mali, he founded the jihadist group “Ansar Dine” and became a leader who advocated the implementation of Sharia law in the region and organized terrorist attacks.[2]

Ghaly expanded his influence in the Sahel region by establishing close ties with al-Qaeda’s North African branch, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). Under his leadership, the group has posed a major threat both locally and internationally. Ghaly’s strategic acumen and regional connections greatly increased the group’s power and influence. During this period, Ghaly’s name was included on international terrorist lists and his financial resources were frozen.

Ansar Dine has carried out many terrorist acts under the leadership of Iyad Ag Ghaly. In 2012, the group captured the northern Mali cities of Gao, Kidal and Timbuktu, where they began to impose what they call Sharia law. Crimes such as human rights violations, executions and the destruction of cultural heritage have been repeatedly committed by Ansar Dine. During this period, Ghaly was recognized as a “terrorist” by the international community and sanctioned by the United Nations and other international organizations. Ansar Dine’s activities during this period further increased instability in the region and the group consolidated its control by instilling fear and terror among the local population. International humanitarian aid organizations were also forced to withdraw from the region during this period.

Ansar Dine, led by Ghaly, has increased its influence by forming alliances with other jihadist groups in Mali. Together with AQIM and other local jihadist groups, it has carried out destabilizing actions in the Sahel region.[3]  These alliances have complicated counterterrorism efforts in the region and resulted in international military interventions. Military operations, such as the French-led Operation Barkhane, were designed to limit the activities of these groups, but were mostly unsuccessful. The group led by Ghaly has inspired other jihadist movements in the region. These alliances have accelerated the spread of the group’s ideology in the region. This has also led to an increase in illicit activities in the region, such as arms and human trafficking.

The arrest warrant issued by the ICC against Iyad Ag Ghaly is an important milestone in the fight against terrorism in the Sahel region. It makes clear that Ghaly’s activities are in violation of international law and amount to crimes against humanity. Holding such leaders to account before international justice provides a moral and legal boost to counter-terrorism efforts. Ghaly’s arrest sends the message that similar steps can be taken against other jihadist leaders. This could create fear and insecurity among the leadership of jihadist groups. However, it can also reassure local governments and populations by demonstrating the international community’s commitment to counter terrorist activities in the region. It therefore reinforces the enforceability and deterrence of international law.

The implications of the arrest for other jihadist groups in the Sahel region are also noteworthy. Ghaly’s arrest conveys that similar steps could be taken against other leaders. The decision may create fear and mistrust among the leadership of jihadist groups. At the same time, it may reassure local governments and populations by demonstrating the international community’s commitment to counter terrorist activities in the region. This could lead to leadership crises among jihadist groups. It may cause other terrorist organizations in the area to reassess their strategies. On the other hand, it may also increase the local population’s faith in security. These developments could lead to significant advances in the fight against terrorism.

The implications of Ghaly’s arrest decision on regional and Sahel geopolitics would be significant. This decision may lead states in the Sahel to reshape their counterterrorism policies. Countries in the region may develop more effective strategies in the fight against terrorism with the support of the international community. On the other hand, military cooperation and intelligence sharing in the region may increase. This could lead to a more coordinated and effective approach in the fight against terrorism. Ghaly’s arrest may complicate the security situation in the region in the short term. However, in the long run, it may weaken terrorist groups. The strategic objectives of international military operations in the region may change. In essence, this could lead to significant changes in the security dynamics of the Sahel.

The security situation in the Sahel could change with the arrest of Iyad Ag Ghaly. The weakening of the jihadist groups led by Ghaly could lead to the strengthening of other terrorist organizations and separatist groups in the region or to internal conflicts. This could change the balance of power in the region and lead to the formation of new alliances. It could also lead terrorist organizations in the region to revise their strategies and bring in new leaders. Ghaly’s arrest could mark the beginning of a new era in the fight against terrorism in the region. Other jihadist groups in the region could be similarly targeted. This could lead to broader security operations in the Sahel region.

Other jihadist leaders in the region may feel under greater pressure following Iyad Ag Ghaly’s arrest warrant. This could lead them to limit their activities or go into hiding. In addition, leadership struggles and internal conflicts among jihadist groups in the region may increase. This could contribute to weakening terrorist organizations and improving the security situation in the regio

In conclusion, the ICC’s arrest warrant against Iyad Ag Ghaly can be considered an important step in the fight against terrorism in the Sahel region. This order demonstrates the international community’s determination against terrorist organizations in the region and offers support to local governments. It could also contribute to improving the security situation in the Sahel and reducing terrorist activities in the region. Increased pressure on jihadist leaders and groups in the region could lead to more effective results in the fight against terrorism. The arrest warrant could change the political and military balance in the region, leading countries in the Sahel (in particular Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger) to develop more effective counter-terrorism strategies. This could contribute to a long-term improvement in the security situation in the region and a reduction in terrorist activity. Internal rivalries and leadership struggles among terrorist organizations in the region could weaken these groups and improve the security situation in the region.

[1] “Mali: la CPI rend public un mandat d’arrêt contre Ag Ghaly, lun des principaux jihadistes au Sahel”, RFI, 22 June 2024,êt-contre-ag-ghaly-l-un-des-principaux-jihadistes-au-sahel, (Date of Access: 22.06.2024).

[2] Laurent Dupuis, “Les 18 principaux groupes islamistes armés dans le monde”, La Croix,, (Date of Access: 22.06.2024).

[3] Ibid.

Göktuğ ÇALIŞKAN, who received his bachelor's degree in Political Science and Public Administration at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, also studied in the Department of International Relations at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the university as part of the double major program. In 2017, after completing his undergraduate degree, Çalışkan started his master's degree program in International Relations at Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University and successfully completed this program in 2020. In 2018, she graduated from the Department of International Relations, where she studied within the scope of the double major program. Göktuğ Çalışkan, who won the 2017 YLSY program within the scope of the Ministry of National Education (MEB) scholarship and is currently studying language in France, is also a senior student at Erciyes University Faculty of Law. Within the scope of the YLSY program, Çalışkan is currently pursuing his second master's degree in the field of Governance and International Intelligence at the International University of Rabat in Morocco and has started his PhD in the Department of International Relations at Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University. She is fluent in English and French.

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