US President Donald Trump stated that an important step could be taken to improve economicrelations between Saudi Arabia and the United States. Trump expressed his hope that an agreement could be reached for Saudi Arabia to invest 1 trillion dollars in the US economy.
“There are reports in many newspapers today that Saudi Arabia has invested at least $600 billion in the United States, but I’m going to ask a great Crown Prince (Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia – ed.) I think they’regoing to increase that to about $1 trillion because we treat them so well,” Trump said.
According to Trump, this investment will not only strengthen the economic ties between thetwo countries, but will also contribute greatly to the US economy. It is also envisioned thatthis investment could focus on strategic sectors such as energy, technology and infrastructure. This kind of economic cooperation is expected to play an important role both in achieving US growth targets and in increasing Saudi Arabia’s global economic power. Although no officialannouncement has yet been made by the authorities or Saudi Arabia, such an initiativeindicates that relations between the two countries could be taken to a new level.