The Taliban’s Struggle with the Terrorist Organization ISKP


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The withdrawal of the United States of America (USA) from Afghanistan has deeply shaken the regional security dynamics and made the geography of Afghanistan fragile. The so-called Emirate of Khorasan (ISKP) of the terrorist organization Devlet al-Iraq and al-Sham (DEAS) has significantly increased its international visibility with its activities in the country. The organization poses a serious security problem for the Taliban administration due to the attacks it has carried out in the last year. Recently, there has been a process of mutual casualties in the struggle between the Taliban and ISKP. As a matter of fact, statements come from both wings one after the other; Announcements about the damage done to the other party are made.

Finally, in the statement made by the Taliban on March 27, 2023, it was announced that an important DAESH leader was killed in a special counter-terrorism raid in Kabul. It was announced that a DAESH member named Asad Laghamani, known as “Qais”, was neutralized in a special operation against DEASH shelters in the Butkhaak district of Kabul.[1]

The Taliban, which recently carried out another raid in Kabul, stated that three DAESH members were killed on 22 March 2023. Taliban Spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid used the following statements in his statement on the subject:[2]

 “Members of the terrorist organization DEASH used the shelter to carry out attacks in the city of Kabul and planned to target religious sites and civilians during Ramadan.”

It is seen that the Taliban have recently increased their raids on the organization. Important operations are carried out in regions such as Kabul and Mazar-i-Sharif. On January 5, 2023, the Taliban announced that they had killed eight Daesh elements and arrested seven people in counter-operations in Kabul. Mujahid also said in a statement that the raids in Kabul and West Nimroz targeted DAESH members who carried out the latest attacks on the Longan Hotel, Pakistani Embassy and military airport in Kabul.[3] Therefore, it can be said that the raid is seen as a retaliation for the attacks in question. The organization carried out the attack on the Longan Hotel, where Chinese citizens were located, in December 2022, and the military airport attack in January 2023.

On February 27, 2023, it was announced that Ahangar, also known as the terrorist organization leader Abu Usman Al-Kashmiri, and DAESH intelligence and operation chief Kari Fateh were killed. This announcement was made just before the US in a recent report suggested that as many as 3,000 Daesh militants were operating in Afghanistan. The terrorist organization ISKP also recently confirmed Ahangar’s death.[4]

The terrorist organization ISKP has described the Taliban as an apostate and an enemy since they came to the administration of Afghanistan. Due to the Doha Agreement signed by the Taliban with the USA on February 29, 2020, the anti-Taliban opposition of the organization increased and the attacks intensified. The organization organizes various attacks in order to create the perception that the Taliban cannot provide security in the country and to increase the pressure on the Taliban administration. While DAESH is listed as the deadliest terrorist organization at the global level in the reports regarding the last year; ISKP has become the organization that carries out the deadliest attacks due to its presence in Afghanistan.

In its strategy in Afghanistan in the first stage, ISCP tended to deepen the sectarian divisions, then targeted the countries that had a dialogue with the Taliban. The attacks carried out by the terrorist organization on the diplomatic missions in Kabul have disturbed many countries. Increasing its mobility against the Taliban, and especially its presence in Kabul, brought along individual attacks against the Taliban officials.

The organization carried out three assassinations in the last two weeks and achieved its purpose in all but one. Mohammad Dawood Muzammil, Head of the Herat Water Supply Department on March 8, 2023 and the Governor of Balkh just one day later, was targeted. On March 15, 2023, a regional governor was attacked in Nangarhar; however, it was seen that the ISKP terrorist organization failed in this attack.[5]

The attacks that have taken place show the new stage that ISKP has reached in its priorities. At the same time, it can be said that these terrorist acts are attacks aimed at avenging the leaders of the killed organization. Therefore, it is possible to talk about a terrorist organization acting to respond to the raids. Of course, the Taliban are also making counter moves. In addition to all these, the perception that terrorism has increased in Afghanistan, the instability of the country has deepened and the Taliban has not been able to provide security has become evident in the international arena.

As a matter of fact, a warning came from the European Union (EU) that Afghanistan should not serve as a “terrorist base” once again, and the concern was expressed about the “presence of terrorist groups in Afghanistan”.[6] From the US side, attention was drawn to the influence of DAESH in Afghanistan through ISKP. In fact, it is very important at this point that the Commander of the US Central Forces, General Michael Kurilla, stated that “DEAS is strong in Afghanistan” and that the claim that “the organization could carry out a possible attack against the interests of the USA and allied countries within six months” was brought to the agenda.[7]

International rhetoric may lead the Taliban to come under more pressure for violating the Doha Agreement. In fact, the successive operation statements and the announcement that DAESH elements have been neutralized are also related to this. Thus, the Taliban is trying to show that the organization does not pose as much of a threat as mentioned and that it is determined to fight terrorism. As a matter of fact, in the announcement made on March 26, 2023, the Taliban rejected Washington’s claim regarding the strong presence of DAESH in Afghanistan. He stated that the DAESH threat was suppressed.[8] In this context, in his statement dated March 19, 2023, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Taliban, Emir Khan Muttaki, stated that the members of DAESH fighting against the Taliban came from abroad.[9]

As can be seen, the statements and operations of the Taliban are closely related to the statements from the European and US wings. However, considering the ISKP’s recent targeting of Taliban officials, it is clear that the risks arising from the terrorist organization in question have not completely disappeared. As in the case of the USA and the EU, it can be claimed that the statements regarding the threat posed by ISKP in Afghanistan encouraged the Taliban in terms of operations against the organization. Therefore, it can be predicted that both the ISKP’s terrorist attacks and the Taliban’s operations against the organization will continue.

[1] “Afghanistan: Taliban Forces Kill Key Isıs Leader”, India Blooms,, (Date of Accession: 27.03.2023).

[2] “Afghan Taliban Raid in Kabul Kills 3 ISIS Members”, English Al Arabiya,, (Date of Accession: 27.03.2023).

[3] “Taliban Says Eight ISIL Fighters Killed in Raids in Afghanistan”, Al Jazeera,, (Date of Accession: 27.03.2023).

[4] “Taliban Forces Kill Top IS Commanders in Afghanistan”, VOA,, (Date of Accession: 27.03.2023).

[5] “A String of Assassinations in Afghanistan Point to ISIS-K Resurgence-and US Officials Warn of Possible Attacks on American Interests in Next 6 Months”, The Conversation,,

[6] “Afghanistan Should not Again Serve as a “Base for Terrorism”: EU”, Tolonews,, (Date of Accession: 27.03.2023).

[7] “A String of Assassinations…”, a.g.m.

[8] “Kabul Rejects Washington’s Claim over IS Strength in Afghanistan”, Siasat,, (Date of Accession: 27.03.2023).

[9] “Daesh Suppressed in Afghanistan: Muttaqi”, Tolonews,, (Date of Accession: 27.03.2023).

Şeyma KIZILAY, 2016 yılında Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü’nden mezun olmuştur. Yüksek lisans derecesini, 2019 yılında Kırşehir Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Uluslararası İlişkiler Anabilim Dalı’nda sunduğu ‘’Uluslararası İlişkilerde Ulus İnşası Bağlamında Irak Örneği” başlıklı teziyle almıştır. Doktora eğitimine Uludağ Üniversitesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Anabilim Dalı’nda devam eden Kızılay, tez aşamasındadır. Başlıca çalışma alanları; güvenlik, terörizm, Afganistan ve Pakistan’dır. Kızılay, iyi derecede İngilizce ve orta seviyede Arapça bilmektedir.

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