

Putin’s Article Titled “On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukranians” From the Ukraine’s Perspective

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Russian President Putin’s article that wrote in July 12, 2021 titled “On the Unity of Russians and Ukranians”; caused discussions because of its content, style and aims. Ukrain President Volodimir Zelensky that direct addressee of the article sarcasticly stated “he was jealous that Putin had enough free time to deal with such an extensive issue.” [1] Many experts also claimed that aforementioned article seen as “friendly” but it “dangerous” and intimidated by Russian leader.

It has drawn attention that the article often emphasized “one nation”. Putin’s criticism of many issues of the differences between two societies, from the Poles to Ukrainian intelligentsia and from strategies of the Soviet Union to politics of Western states caused heavy criticism in Ukraine. In another words, despite Putin’s emphasis on “unity”, the most critical issue focused on by the Ukrainian media was that he did not assume any responsibility on behalf of Russia and insistently defended the right of his side in the current divisions.

Due to the aforementioned situation the article expressed as a “dangerous” step both Ukrainian and various regions of the world. Even, after the article, the view that support from Moscow to the pro- Russian groups in the Ukraine will increase has gained weight.[2] Therefore, the atmosphere of “brotherhood” that Putin tried to create was not found sincere.[3] Hence, some authors claimed that the aformentinoed article was “one step before the war” [4] or it was written to divert the attention of the Russian people during the epidemic.

Moreover, Putin’s view about the relations between Ukraine and West and the emphasis on “one nation” compared Hitler’s speeches before the annexation of Austria. When considering approaches of some extreme views and Russia’s economic and social structure, it can be stated that there is a search for historical legitimacy in the article. Because ignoring the unique identity of Ukrainian and bringing the “Russian supra-identity” to the forefront, reminded the idea that “There is no such country as Ukraine and this geography is a part of historical Russian territories”   stated by different people in the variety period. This created unrest in Kiev.

Although various ideas put forward on the subject, it can be said that the Moscow administration trying to use soft power instruments during the Ukraine-center developments. The aforementioned article should be read from this perspective. However, the reactions shows that this using soft power effort evaluated as a new dimension of Russian aggression and a tool of legitimacy for hard power. The view emerged in Ukraine is that the article was tried to be used as a means to justify the expansionist policy. However, time will tell whether the article reaches its goal or not.

On the other hand, another point that contrasting the “brotherhood” and “unity” emphasis in the article is that the Holodomor in which the “brother” Ukrainian people lost millions due to famine, is not mentioned in the comprehensive article, which makes historical references to different periods. The President of Ukraine also drew attention to similar situation and Russia forget Ukraine while talking about the Second World War triumph, but he stated that he immediately remembered when they should said “fraternal society.”

It is clear that Putin targeted two groups that he described as “boss of Ukraine” and “ukrainian government that betrayed the brotherhood” through the article. The target group of article is Russain and Ukrainian people. But according to some authors, most of the Ukrainian people think that they different societies with Russians. Therefore, The Russian leader’s letter has no meaning for the Ukrainians who saw the annexation of Crimea and disturbed from this. [5]

Assuming that Putin and his advisers would not overlook such a possibility, “Then who was this article written for and for what purpose?” question should be considered. It is clear that Ukrainians who saw events in Crimea in 2014 and loyal to Kiev administration will approach Moscow at a distance. Therefore, it should not expected these people change their views after reading the aforementioned article. For this reason, it can be say that Putin did not target to this group which majority in Ukraine. In other words for the purpose of the article, the people eho currently sympathize to Moscow administration and Kiev administration remain. Because the article on the one side tries to explain that there are “brotherhood” between societies; on the other hand blames to Kiev administration.

The main criticism of Russian leader towards Kiev are the management of Ukraine that live economic difficulties by “Western boss”, the use of the country as a geopolitical weapon against Russia and the formation of “anti-Russia” trend. In a sense Putin intimidated Kiev by writing the aforementioned article.

Because of all these emphases Putin’s article perceived as an first signal of a new attempted aggression towards Zelensky’s administration by the most of Ukrainian society. In this context, it can be say that Russian leader with his emphasis on the closeness between the peoples, prefer to call to Pro-Russian groups in Ukraine and he is in a search of historical legitimacy.

[1] Sergey Martynets, “Не по-братски так поступать”: Зеленский отреагировал на статью Путина (Non ita frater Zelensky erectis supra Putin)”, Segodnya,, (Date of Accession: 27.07.2021)

[2] Walter Russel Mead, “Why Putin Still Covets Ukraine”, Wall Street Journal,, (Date of Accession: 27.07.2021)

[3] Peter Dickinson “Putin’s New Ukraine Essay Reveals İmperial Ambitions”, Atlantic Council, (Date of Accession 27.07.2021)

[4] Anders Aslund, “Putin’s Dangerous Ukraine Narrative”, Project Syndicate,, (Date of Accession: 27.07.2021)

[5] “«Чем дольше длится война, тем длиннее придётся писать тексты»: советник президента Зеленского и другие эксперты из Украины о статье Путина (Quo diutius trahebatur bellum manet, tollet eum iam scribere texts ‘: consiliario ad Praeses Zelensky et, aliisque peritis in Russia Putin de articulum)” The Insider,, (Date of Accession 28.07.2021)

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