

Moscow views UK-Ukraine security pact as attempt to keep NATO engaged in Ukrainian affairs

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London’s decision to make a security agreement with Kiev is aimed at preventing G7 and NATO allies from losing interest in what is going on in Ukraine, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a briefing.

“The Ukrainians were simply handed a bunch of empty promises which mostly concern counseling and advisory assistance. They [the British] dressed these words of support up for Ukraine, but they aren’t legally binding,” the diplomat pointed out. “This step is part of the British leadership’s all-out efforts to prevent G7 and NATO allies from losing interest in the developments in Ukraine because London continues to view them as a geopolitical tool targeted against Russia,” Zakharova added.

The agreement makes it clear that Kiev won’t be allowed to make a peace agreement with Russia, Zakharova noted. “The agreement signed in Kiev makes it clear that there is literally no chance left for Ukraine to exit the conflict by holding talks. It turns Ukraine into a bargaining chip in the Anglo-Saxon nations’ escapades and forces it to pursue the same Euro-Atlantic policy of confrontation with Russia,” she stressed.