

Szijjarto: The EU Has Lost İts Weight By Acting At The Behest Of The US


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The European Union has lost its political weight and competitiveness due to the fact that it has come under the control of the United States, and it needs to get rid of it.

This view was expressed by Hungary’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Economic Relations Peter Szijjarto, who is in New York for the UN General Assembly, the Report reported, citing TASS.

Szijjarto said he was travelling to Cambridge (Massachusetts) to take part in a debate on the future of Europe at Harvard University. “The European Union has recently lost a lot of its weight, prestige and competitiveness because it failed to isolate the war [in Ukraine] and instead gave it a practical global character. It has not succeeded in stopping the war and turning the situation into peace, but it has made the situation even more serious by supplying weapons [to the conflict zone],” the Hungarian foreign minister told M1 television.

“The EU has also failed to protect its citizens from mass illegal migration flows. On the contrary, it is constantly encouraging these migration flows. And the EU has failed to improve its own economic competitiveness,” he added.

According to Sijjarto, this is due to “the current leadership of the EU and the fact that many large European states have practically abandoned their will and moved to a kind of surveillance regime.” “In essence, they are acting in line with the directives, decisions and expectations of the democratic leadership in Washington,” he said. He believes that “the pressure from Washington has reached its goal in many European capitals, including Brussels”.

“I think that if the EU wants to succeed, it must make strategic decisions in its own interests, rather than following in Washington’s footsteps,” Sijjarto said. He expressed the hope that the situation will change with the results of the European Parliament elections scheduled for June, after which it will be possible to see “an autonomous European strategy based on an independent European will”.