

Kyrgyzstan and the European Union Signed an Agreement on Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation


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The European Union and Kyrgyzstan have signed an extended partnership and cooperation agreement. This was announced on the official website of the European Commission, Trend reports.

The EU considers the signing of the document as an important milestone in strengthening bilateral relations.

According to the press release, the agreement will create a new legal basis for strengthening political dialogue and deepening cooperation in several mutually beneficial areas. These include trade and investment, sustainable development and connectivity, research and innovation, education, environmental protection and combating climate change, as well as the rule of law, human rights and civil society. The document also provides for enhanced cooperation in foreign policy and security, including conflict prevention and crisis management, risk reduction, cybersecurity, regional stability, arms control and export controls.

By signing the Agreement, the EU and the Kyrgyz Republic reaffirm their commitment to the principles and norms of international law and to the promotion of peace, stability and security through effective multilateralism.

It is worth noting that Kyrgyz President Sadyr Dzharov paid an official visit to Brussels. On June 25, he met with Charles Michel, President of the European Council.