

EU adopts draft security guarantees for Ukraine


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The European Union (EU) has agreed on a draft of security guarantees for Ukraine, Brussels is currently discussing this with Kiev.

Welt am Sonntag newspaper reported, citing TASS.

The ambassadors of the 27 EU countries recently agreed on an 11-page text labelled “confidential”, the newspaper has learnt. Brussels plans to provide the guarantees by the beginning of July at the latest. These guarantees will be valid until Kiev joins the EU and NATO.

“The European Union and its member states are making a decisive contribution to the immediate and long-term security and sustainability of Ukraine through military and civilian assistance, humanitarian, financial, trade and economic support, accommodation of displaced persons, support for reform, reconstruction and recovery, restrictive measures and diplomatic support,” the newspaper quoted the document as saying.

The document states that “in the event of an attack, the European Union and Ukraine intend to hold consultations on Ukraine’s needs within 24 hours”. As the newspaper emphasised, Brussels thus ruled out the intervention of European forces in the conflict in Ukraine, but pledged to continue supplying weapons and training military personnel, providing assistance in reforming the security sector and demining the country, as well as cooperating against hybrid threats and cyber attacks.