

ECOWAS extends sanctions against Niger.

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The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has announced that it has extended the sanctions imposed in August against Niger’s new government and is ready to lift them if the transition period is completed on time.

According to the AFP news agency, citing the final declaration of the ECOWAS summit in Abuja

According to the agency, the participants in the meeting decided to extend the sanctions against Niger. How long the restrictions will be extended was not specified. According to ECOWAS President Omar Touray, a delegation of representatives of Benin, Togo and Sierra Leone plans to discuss with Niger’s military leadership the terms of sanctions relief.

On 21 November, Niger’s representatives petitioned the ECOWAS Court of Justice to suspend sanctions in view of the dire humanitarian situation in the country due to the closure of borders and the interruption of electricity supplies from Nigeria. The authorities in Niamey consider that the community is treating Niger unfairly compared to its regional grouping members Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea, which have experienced coups in recent years. The court rejected this request.

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