The Belt and Road Initiative: China’s Growing Influence in Africa and Indochina


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By 2023, the Belt and Road Initiative, which has completed its tenth year, has achieved global successes by carrying out projects in many countries and sectors during this period. Participation in the project has come from many regions from Africa to Northern Europe. The Belt and Road Initiative’s growing global influence has also raised China’s prestige. Whether participating or not, many countries around the world now recognize China as a reliable trading partner.

It is a well-known fact that China is one of the world’s largest economies in terms of imports and exports. In this context, the Belt and Road Initiative has also had an impact on China’s investment policy and balance of income and expenditure. For example, since 2013, China has invested approximately 67.8 billion dollars as a result of more than 200 agreements as of 2022 in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative. [1]

As can be seen, China has made a huge investment under the Belt and Road Initiative. These investments, especially focusing on infrastructure projects, have strengthened the cooperation of many countries with China. This has had a positive impact on bilateral relations.

For example, China’s cooperation in Africa and the bilateral relations that have developed in this context constitute a good example of this situation. Tanzania and Zambia are two states at the center of the great powers’ competition in Africa. These states stand out in the African continent both in terms of underground resources and China’s investments in the region. On the other hand, Zambia is one of the states in the region that has further developed its relations with China within the scope of the Belt and Road Initiative. Zambia is one of the leading states in the world, especially in terms of copper mines. This situation increases the importance of Zambia and has a positive impact on its relations with China. In fact, Shanghai Metal Cooperation is among the six largest companies purchasing copper from Zambia. [2]

Indochina is another region where China is developing relations with the Belt and Road Initiative. Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar stand out as important countries of the region. The economic activity created by the Belt and Road Initiative in the region is the most important factor in the development of relations between China and the countries in the region. China’s transportation and infrastructure projects in the region contribute to interstate transportation and are also effective in logistics. For example, the China-Laos railway line carried 8.5 million passengers and 11.2 million tons of cargo in its first year of operation, according to statements made in 2022.[3] Another example is the construction of a highway linking Cambodia’s capital Phnom Penh to Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City, in which China is also involved. This highway will connect Cambodia and Vietnam.[4]

As a result, the Belt and Road Initiative has increased cooperation with China in many different regions of the world. It is known that this has greatly benefited both the participating states and China. In this way, it can be stated that the ties between China and the participating states are strengthening day by day.

[1] “China Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Investment Report 2022”, Green Finance and Development Center,, (Erişim Tarihi: 13.10.2023).

[2] “Top 6 Importers of Copper Ores in Zambia”, Zambia Trade,, (Erişim Tarihi: 13.10.2023).

[3] “China-Laos Railway Transports 8.5 Mln Passengers And 11.2 Mln Tons Cargos İn First Year”, Global Times,, (Erişim Tarihi: 13.10.2023).

[4] David Rogers, “China Road and Bridge begins work on $1.6bn Cambodian link to Ho Chi Minh City”, GCR,, (Erişim Tarihi: 13.10.2023).

Elcan TOKMAK, 2022 yılında Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü'nden mezun olmuştur. Eylül-Aralık 2022 tarihleri arasında ANKASAM bünyesinde Kariyer Staj Programı'nı tamamlayan Tokmak, Temmuz 2023 tarihinden itibaren ANKASAM Asya-Pasifik Araştırma Asistanı olarak çalışmalarını sürdürmektedir. Şu anda Hacettepe Üniversitesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü'nde Yüksek Lisans eğitimine devam eden Tokmak'ın ilgi alanları Çin-Japonya-Kore ilişkileri ve Çin Dış Politikası'dır. Tokmak; profesyonel düzeyde İngilizce, orta derecede Çince ve başlangıç düzeyinde Korece bilmektedir.

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