Regret of Russia in Alaska


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Alaska, which is one of the 50 states of the United State of America (US) was an ancient Russian territory. As far as it is known, Danish sailors reached Alaska in 1741. After this, the hunters who were from Russia went toward Alaska and the first Russian settlements were established in Alaska in 1784. Over time, the Russians, who established management and companies in the region, could not give the necessary importance to Alaska, especially due to the negative economic consequences of the Crimean War between 1853-1856, and began to move away from the region. [1]

The main policy which was followed by the USA was to keep European states away from the American continent. Even for this, the Monroe Doctrine was declared on December 2, 1823. This doctrine is thought to include only the imperialist powers in the west of Europe. However, the US was also concerned about Russia’s expansionism in the American continent and wanted to prevent this country with the doctrine in question.[2] For this reason, negotiations which were about the sale of Alaska began between Russia and the US. Although the process was interrupted due to the US Civil War, the parties agreed on March 30, 1867, and Russia officially sold Alaska to the USA for 7.2 million dollars.

In the signing of the aforementioned agreement, then the US Secretary General William H. Seward, who advocated the expansion of his country in terms of territory, played a leading role. However, both Seward and US President Andrew Johnson were heavily criticized by Congress and the press in this process. In fact, the Senate accepted the agreement by only one vote. Eventually, Alaska was admitted as the 49th state of the US in 1959.[3]

Apart from the negative impact of the Crimean War, another reason for Russia to sell Alaska was that the technology of the period in question was insufficient in the face of the harsh weather and geographical conditions of the region. On the other hand, the US was increasing its influence in the continent. For this reason, important competition began between the people and merchants who were sent by the two countries. However, it was not economically possible for Russia to establish settlements and military structures in Alaska to maintain competition. Also, Russia wanted to proceed toward Europe. For this purpose, Russia sold Alaska to the US to balance England.[4]

After the Second World War, Alaska became a matter of regret for the Russians, because the US and the Soviet Union became rivals. However, the advancement of technology has also removed the obstacles of the difficult Alaska geography in the world. Thus, the underground treasures have made Alaska much more valuable in the region. Today, the Arctic Region is more openly turning into a competitive arena. This deepens Russia’s regret. Because Alaska has a key geopolitical importance for both Russia and the Arctic.

When it is examined at the geopolitical importance of Alaska, it is seen that it is the closest region to the east of Russia via the Bering Strait, as well as located in the American continent. On the other hand, there is an extension of the islands starting from Alaska. Extension; it is on the road along the Aleutian Islands, Fox Islands, Andreanof Islands, Rat Islands, and Near Islands to Russia’s Commander Islands and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. This means that the east of Russia is naturally surrounded by the US from the south and poses a geopolitical problem for the Moscow administration. There are also several US military bases in Alaska.

Alaska is the main reason the US is in the Arctic. The US has military bases in the interior and southern parts of Alaska.[5] While Alaska turns into a police station for the Washington administration;[6] it also leads to plans by Russia and other countries to build new bases in the Arctic. Thus, there is a possibility that the northern part of Alaska will also turn into a military base and a conflict zone. As a matter of fact, recently military tensions based in Alaska have been increasing. For example, according to a report which was on October 18, 2022, the US Air Force blocked the activity of two Russian bombers in the region.[7]

Beijing, which has close relations with Moscow and is uncomfortable with Washington’s policies, to increase its presence in the Arctic indicates that military competition will increase in the region. These developments cause a security dilemma and the region to become more militarized. Because states think that their capacity to gain political influence in regions where they do not exist militarily is limited. This is also the case in Arctic geopolitics in recent times. As a matter of fact, the US deployed two F35 fighter aircraft to Alaska in April 2020.[8]

As the geopolitics of the Arctic turns into a field of competition between the states of the region, voices are raising from Moscow that Alaska should be returned to Russia. Especially since the 2010s, as Russia’s weight has increased in world politics and relations have been strained with the US, this issue has been opened for discussion. Even It was proposed for a period to hold a referendum in Alaska.[9] Recently, it is seen that the statements about Alaska have acquired an official dimension.[10] For as much as the Kremlin thinks that it can put pressure on the White House in this way.

As a result, Russia claims to demand back to Alaska for these reasons. However, it does not seem possible to do this. Because the US, which has expanded its territory with money, may face similar demands from France, Spain, and Mexico if the US accepts the Russian request. Because the US has bought lands from these states in certain periods. In addition, the geopolitical, geostrategic, and geoeconomic characteristics of the region make Alaska indispensable for the US. For this reason, it does not seem possible to meet Moscow’s expectations.

[1] “Russians Settle Alaska”, History,, (Date of Accession: 21.10.2022).

[2]  “Monroe Doctrine, 1823”, Office of the Historian,, (Date of Accession: 21.10.2022).

[3]  “Russians settle Alaska”, op. cit.

[4]  “Purchase of Alaska, 1867”, Office of the Historian,,in%20the%20Pacific%2C%20Great%20Britain., (Date of Accession: 21.10.2022).

[5]  Rhemi Marlatt, “The Intersection of U.S. Military Infrastructure&Alaskan Permafrost Through the 21st Century”, The Arctic Institute,, (Date of Accession: 21.10.2022).

[6]  Arnaud Leparmentier, “Alaska is becoming a US Outpost Against Russia”, Le Monde,, (Date of Accession: 21.10.2022).

[7]  Courtney Kube-Phil McCausland, “Air Force Jets Intercept 2 Russian Bombers Flying Close to Alaska”, NBC News,, (Date of Accession: 21.10.2022).

[8]  Onur Limon, Arktika Jeopolitiği-2: Sorunlar ve Anlaşmazlıklar, Bölge ve Bölge Dışı Aktörlerin Stratejileri, Efeakademi, İstanbul, 2020, p. 78-93.

[9]  Matthew Holroyd-Sophia Khatsenkova, “‘Alaska is Ours’: Local Russian Advertisement Sparks Outrage on Social Media”, Euronews,, (Date of Accession: 21.10.2022).

[10]  Iris Samuels, “A Russian Lawmaker Wants Alaska Back. ‘Good Luck with That!’”, Anchorage Daily News,, (Date of Accession: 21.10.2022); “Kremlin Official Suggests Russia Could One Day Try to Reclaim Alaska from the US”, Insider,, (Date of Accession: 21.10.2022).

Dr. Emrah KAYA
Dr. Emrah KAYA
ANKASAM Dış Politika UzmanıDr. Emrah Kaya, Akdeniz Üniversitesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü’nden mezundur. Yüksek lisans derecesini 2014 yılında Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü’nde hazırladığı “Latin Amerika'da Sol Liderlerin Yükselişi ve Uluslararası Politikaya Etkisi: Venezuela-Bolivya Örneği” başlıklı teziyle almıştır. Kaya, doktora derecesini de 2022 yılında aynı üniversitede hazırladığı "Terörle Mücadelede Müzakere Yöntemi: ETA-FARC-LTTE-PKK" başlıklı teziyle elde etmiştir. İyi derecede İngilizce bilen Kaya'nın başlıca çalışma alanları; Orta Asya, Latin Amerika, terörizm ve barış süreçleridir.

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