China’s from 1978 Siaoping it had started with the policy of opening to the outside world, [1] 2000’li has started to bear fruit in years. Because of China, the global economic crisis that began in 2008 [2] after Japan in 2010,’besting [3] USA’s has become the world’s second largest economy. [4] China’s began to grow rapidly as a result of liberalization steps, it can be argued that the country’s economy. Along with these developments, Beijing, in later years, of the global supply chain has risen to the top.[5]
China’s Russian-Ukrainian War’na perspective, are frequently discussed in the international arena. Russia and China’s United States (US) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and foreign policy in opposition to Western hegemony in the production process of these two states closer together. This Western’yla China in its struggle’in Russia’means the support of Yi.
On the other hand, Beijing’s significant economic relations with Western and European Union member countries, both of us are there. This China’locates at the top of the global supply chain. [6] At the same time, the war in question is inflicting serious damage to the global economy and the supply chain. Therefore, Beijing’s look on the war in question has changed over time.
At this point, NATO and the United States “common opponent” go asrunse China’s global market place of damage to this partnership between Moscow and Beijing China’s eyes has made debatable. Since China’s already over the war in question wanted to be, and in this sense can be said to be making moves. Indeed, the above-mentioned news about developments also can be read in this context.
China’s goal, the Russian-Ukrainian war’s end of the corridor between Europe and Russia and strive for re-becomes operational to ensure that. Beijing, question due to the war in the middle Aisle’a aims at reducing the burden. Because of this, after the war through Western Russia’of the goods or transported to 60%’started to go through more from the middle aisle. [7]
Moreover, Russia’s invasion of China on the anniversary of the war by a 12-point document posted. [8] In China, the document in question has made calls for sovereignty and territorial integrity to be respected in all countries. This article is Russia’s interests is contrary to that much is certain. Despite this, the Western media still China’s Ukraine’s war in Russia’Yi believes that it supports. The reason for this senior Chinese officials Wang Yi’s visit to Russia on Moscow’is that it gives you a message of solidarity. [9]
China, Russia,’says clearly that is not any problem between you. However, Ukraine’s opinion is inhabited by about two countries. Beijing, Ukraine’s is neutral in that war Western’or tries to prove. However, Sino-Russian relations and the strategic partnership between the two countries did not damage continues. It is obvious that this plan is to be implemented. China is trying to make its stance clear.
Russia’nin Ukraine’Yi invasion between the two countries, the strategic partnershipn the United States and the West Block for increasingly challenging ADVayiçi it can be said that it became. However, at the beginning of the war, it can be argued that this situation is increasing. Indeed, Beijing, Moscow by’the support or west of’S Russia’it can be said that the impact of the sanctions against broke. West’s Russia’Yi to isolate and exclusion from the global economy , such as the movesin this context, the effects of decreased. Since the occupation, China has consistently NATO’yu and the West’Yi, Russia’Yi and inciting him although it did not account for the legitimate security interests has taken. [10] All of these developments, the West’s Russia’much more difficult to make or to maintain sanctions againstwould.
West’s deepening China-Russia relationse against it can be argued that hawk did not choose to pursue policies in the first place. Washington’un Beijing’China is fragile relationships although le’le to engageYi a more challenging task considers to be, it can be said. China’Russia i’although it is difficult to convince them to move away from the West’s the idea that western should refrain from actions that will move them closer to each other’too hard thetruck. Germany’s first strategy shows the document as China, Europe, China already’to have disagreements on how to deal letir.
Moreover, sAVAs since the beginning of China and Russia, their leadership BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) , such as multilateral organizationse given importance to the serious extent of the increaseshould. Bwhich is the subject of the actors ahse, bu groupings western post-multilateral see as important building blocks of the vision of a global orderdukes it can be argued.
However, Russia’s decision to continue the war in the face of Beijing’s to Moscow confidenceinin zedelenit can be argued Digi. In this context, Russia and China’s basically the U.S. and Europe,’s agenda or that it does not determine the rules of the multi-polar world order in the determination of creating a common foreign policy with the production process oldUgu it can be argued.
In addition to all this , Russia’s western, post-layout visionn China’different from the ink that can be said. Russia’s unlike in China, more dialogue-based system willbe subject to.
As a result, as long as the war continues, China’s will be more negative attitude towards the war in question. This is also Beijing and Moscow’s opening between Russia and’S to be isolated in the process may cause further progress on a global scale.
[1] “China’s Rise Relied on Ties to the West, Which Xi Is Now Loosening”, The New York Times,, (Erişim Tarihi: 06.09.2023).
[2] “As PacWest Shares Dive, Are We Seeing the 2008 Financial Crisis All over Again?”, Cable News Network,, (Erişim Tarihi: 06.09.2023).
[3] “China Overtakes Japan as World’s Second-Biggest Economy”, British Broadcasting Corporation News,, (Erişim Tarihi: 06.09.2023).
[4] “The World’s Largest Economies”, World Data Info,, (Erişim Tarihi: 06.06.2023).
[5] “China’s Dominance in Global Supply Chains”, GMF US Org,, (Erişim Tarihi: 01.06.2023).
[6] “China’s Dominance in Global Supply Chains”, German Marshall Fund of the United States,, (Erişim Tarihi: 06.09.2023).
[7] “The Volume of Cargo on The Trans-Caspian Route Increased 2,5 Times in 2022”, Quotidiano online di Agenzia Nova,, (Erişim Tarihi: 06.09.2023).
[8] “This is China’s 12-Point Blueprint for Bringing Peace to Ukraine”, Bloomberg,, (Erişim Tarihi: 06.09.2023).
[9] “Wang Yi Delivers a Video Speech to the China-Russia High-level Think Tank Forum”, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Rwanda,, (Erişim Tarihi: 06.09.2023).
[10] “China, Russia, and the War in Ukraine”, Politik Quarterly,, (Erişim Tarihi: 06.09.2023).