Kyrgyzstan’s Efforts to Increase Information Security and Russia


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The security of information and information environment is a factor that directly and actively affects the national security of states. Information security, which is the main component of national, regional and international security, stands out as one of the most discussed issues at the interstate level. Today, great importance is attached to ensuring information security and combating new problems and threats in this field. At the same time, attacks on critical national infrastructures are becoming increasingly complex. Because information and communication technologies; It is used more and more every day for the purpose of spreading ideas and committing cross-border crimes that violate human rights and freedoms. With the collapse of the bipolar world system, the need to ensure security and stability with new tools has emerged. Central Asian states have faced various threats to their national security since their independence. Information security, one of them, has left behind ecology, energy and other aspects of international security and has become a part of national security.

Kyrgyzstan emerged as an independent actor in the world arena in 1991. During the independence period, the basic standards of information policy were determined in the legal framework with various regulations. This is particularly true of the Constitution of Kyrgyzstan, Mass Media of July 2, 1992, Guarantees and Freedom of Access to Information dated December 5, 1997, Access to Information Held by Public Institutions and Local Authorities of December 28, 2006, Television No. 106 of June 2, 2008 and It is established by laws such as Radio Broadcasting. However, the textual analysis of the laws shows that none of them define the concept of “information security”.

Adoption of an additional legal framework has become necessary due to many theoretical shortcomings in the definition, components, elements and implementation mechanisms of information security. In this context, the National Security Concept was adopted on 12 June 2012. The document in question is a text that includes information security issues and defines internal and external threats.

In addition, the 2019-2023 Kyrgyzstan Information Security Concept was approved on May 3, 2019 in order to improve information security methods, evaluate threats to information security, and create an effective countermeasure system in the field of information. In this concept, it is stated that information security is one of the components of national security. In addition, it was emphasized that the protection of the national interests, vital foundations and value system of the country in question is an important need for sustainable development and the protection of individuals, society and the state.

The current stage of development of Kyrgyzstan has a direct impact on information security. At the same time, the increasing role of knowledge relations is a key component of the activities of public authorities and non-governmental organizations related to the creation, transformation and consumption of knowledge. Currently, projects and programs for the digital transformation of Kyrgyzstan are being implemented gradually at the state level.i

The role and influence of global media and communication mechanisms on the development of the economic, political and social situation in various countries of the world is gradually increasing. The radical changes that have taken place in countries with different economic and political environments in recent years point to the key role of new technologies in these processes to manage the masses, including the use of information and communication technologies. These; websites, social networks and mobile applications.

The widespread use of the Internet by the population of Kyrgyzstan also opens the door to its use to deliberately influence the domestic political situation to the detriment of the interests of the state. According to the 2018-2040 National Development Strategy approved by the Presidential Decree of Kyrgyzstan dated October 31, 2018 and numbered 221, the state aims to establish a system to ensure the cyber security of information and communication technologies and information systems, to respond to cyber threats and cyber incidents, and to will focus on critical information security areas to prevent all kinds of extremism and terrorism.ii

However, the field of application of information technologies has a cross-border nature. Therefore, national measures to ensure information security are complemented by combined actions at both the bilateral and multilateral levels, as well as at the regional and global levels. In this context, Bishkek cooperates both bilaterally with other states and multilaterally with international organizations.

In this respect, interaction in the field of international information security is one of the priority areas of cooperation between the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), of which Kyrgyzstan is a member. As a matter of fact, systematic studies are carried out within the scope of international organizations to create a common conceptual framework and to bring together scientific approaches and practical information security fields.

On December 9, 2022, President of Kyrgyzstan Sadir Japarov and President of Russia Vladimir Putin made a joint statement on cooperation in the field of international information security. In the statement, it was stated that modern information and communication technologies are increasingly used for purposes incompatible with the goals of maintaining international peace, security and stability, and therefore, the unlawful application of these technologies poses an increasing threat to citizens, society and the state.iii

Considering the cross-border nature of information and communication technologies, the Parties believe that national measures to ensure information security should be complemented by consolidated actions at bilateral, multilateral, regional and global levels; because it states that an effective response to challenges and threats to information security requires the joint efforts of the entire international community. The agreement aims to develop common mechanisms to ensure information security and envisages the establishment of unified mechanisms to control and influence various information security situations.

In fact, this document was signed in Moscow, the capital of Russia, on February 25, 2021 and was approved by the Cogorku Kenesh in November of the same year. According to paragraph 6 of article 1 of the document, among the list of main threats to international information security is the expression “the dissemination of information harmful to the socio-political and socio-economic systems, spiritual, moral and cultural environment of the states parties. This shows that the parties attach importance to information security.

As a result, rapidly developing information and communication technologies have penetrated all areas of state activities as a phenomenon of vital importance on a global scale and have become an important tool for interaction between government and civil society. Measures to ensure information security are complemented by combined actions at both the bilateral and multilateral levels, as well as at the regional and global levels. Cooperation with Russia is also part of comprehensive measures aimed at improving Kyrgyzstan’s information security mechanism. Because the Bishkek administration considers ensuring information security as an important pillar of its long-term strategic goals.

i Aynı yer.

ii Aynı yer.

iii “Совместное заявление Президента Российской Федерации В.В.Путина и Президента Киргизской Республики С.Н.Жапарова о сотрудничестве в области обеспечения международной информационной безопасности”, Kremlin,, (Erişim Tarihi: 23.12.2022).

Aidana BAKTYBEK KYZY, 1999 yılında Bişkek'te doğmuştur. BAKTYBEK KYZY, 2022yılında Sakarya Üniversitesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü'nden mezun olmuştur. Halihazırda yüksek lisans eğitimini Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü'nde devam ettirmektedir.

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