
Great Power Competition in Niger Geopolitics

We can state that while the influence of the United States and France in Niger's geopolitics is showing signs of decreasing, the influence of China and Russia is increasing.
Although it is not yet clear when the US, whose request for a meeting with General Tchiani was rejected, will leave the country, it is a fact that its influence in the region will decrease.
Relations between Niger and China have also Decently improved in recent years.


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Geopolitical and geostrategic issues studied in Africa are generally concentrated in the Sahel strip. When examined carefully, the problems in the countries of the Sahel strip such as Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Chad, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia and Ethiopia are more well-known on the continent. The problems that are emerging on the continent are mainly problems such as food insecurity and problems caused by climate change, riots, attacks of separatist movements, internal and external migrations experienced due to these situations and their effects, and they are concentrated in the Sahel countries. These problems are particularly intense in the three main countries of the Sahel, such as Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso. The countries in question are very rich and dense in such aspects as uranium, military bases, and strategic mines. Because for the great powers, the war of the next 20 years will be the cost of access to primary energy.

At the beginning of these countries were the USA and China. Because although these two great powers are important energy-producing countries, they are also among the most energy-consuming countries in the world. Therefore, both countries are trying to take steps to maintain good relations with countries in important energy regions, especially in Africa, Central Asia and the Middle East, or to increase their influence in these regions.

At this point, we can take the example of Niger first. The United States attaches great importance to the unmanned aerial vehicle base, which is its main strategic interest in the country in question. However, Niamey, along with the statement made on March 16, 2024, demanded the closure of the US base located in the country and the exit of American troops from the country.[i] July 26, 2023 After the coup d’état, Niger, which has become closer to Russia and distanced itself from Europe, especially France, Niger has also established the Sahel States Alliance with Mali and Burkina Faso. Dec. The Government of Niger, which has moved away from Western countries with a colonial past in the country and on the continent, has started to develop policies to improve its relations with Russia and China. The fact that he demanded that American troops leave the country can be considered a clear proof of this.

In the same statement, Niger thanked the United States for its assets and for what has been done so far, and asked for the evacuation of the base in question as soon as possible. The United States has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in 201 unmanned aerial vehicle bases in the country in question, and has put forward studies for the landing and take-off of armed unmanned aerial vehicles and ISR aircraft and other types of aircraft. Therefore, it is possible that the United States will react to this decision of the Government of Niger. Because the United States, which has significant investments in the country, was also using this base for problems occurring in Africa and some regions in the Middle East.

In addition, 23 Niger soldiers were killed in an attack by ISIS militants in Niger soldiers on March 22, 2024[ii] and the fact that this attack happened a week after Niger’s decision is also very suspicious and may not have been accidental. Although it is not yet clear when the deterioration of bilateral relations with Niger and the request for a meeting with President Tchiani will be rejected, the United States will leave the country, it is a fact that its influence in the region will decrease.

In addition to these developments, on March 26, 2024, the President of Niger, General Tchiani, held a telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin.[iii] This meeting is an important detail that shows that in addition to being a regionally important development, Russian influence in the region is also increasing. Because during the meeting, the signing of a strategic security cooperation agreement upon the acceptance of both sides was on the agenda. Steps that can be taken in the name of a common struggle against terrorism in the region and ensuring full national sovereignty were discussed. This news, which came shortly after the decision on the US base, shows that in fact, the US and French influence in the Sahel and in Niger in particular is decreasing, while the Russian and Chinese influence is increasing.

Moscow, which wants to fix the ruble to gold, can envisage a gold-for-arms deal, as in other African countries, by taking back the gold exploration sites held by terrorist organizations in the north and west of Niger. Dec. This situation may benefit Moscow in an economic sense, while it may provide a gain in the security context for Niger.

The Government of Niger, which signed the decision to remove French forces from the country, is also sending a message against the West by taking a similar decision for US forces. The administration, which wants to get rid of the yoke of the West and its colonial policies in the country, is now moving closer to the axis of Russia and China. China, which is the country where the most bilateral trade is carried out after France in terms of trade volume, expresses that it is also striving to increase its investments in this country.

Relations between Niger and China have also Decently improved in recent years. China has become an important partner for Niger in the mining sector, especially uranium mining, which is vital for the country’s economy. This economic cooperation has also extended to other areas such as infrastructure development, where China has played an important role in financing and building important infrastructure projects such as roads, stadiums, communication networks and energy facilities that it has built in many African countries in the context of the Belt and Road Project.

China has also expanded security cooperation with Niger, providing support in the form of military training and equipment to address security issues in the Sahel region. Recent developments include the continuation of the implementation of infrastructure projects and the exploration of new areas of economic cooperation, as well as joint initiatives aimed at strengthening security in the region. Dec.

In addition to the above-mentioned developments, a Chinese delegation Marched Oct. 20, 2024, under the chairmanship of Ambassador Liu Yuxi, the Chinese Government’s Special Representative for African Affairs, held a meeting with Niger’s Prime Minister Lamine Zeine Ali Mahaman.[iv] Messages were given in the direction of improving bilateral cooperation and raising the fraternal and friendly relations between the two countries to the next level Dec. August September 2024, the Chinese delegation also invited Niger to the China-Africa Summit, which is expected to be held in August or September. Prior to that, on March 11, during the visit of Chinese Ambassador to Niger Jiang Feng to Prime Minister Ali Mahaman, both the development of this bilateral cooperation and the invitation to the China-Africa Summit were on the agenda.[v] According to the announcement announced after Jiang Feng’s meeting with Tchiani on March 22, it was announced that an investment of 15 billion CFA ($ 24.7 million) will be made for the renovation of the General Seyni Kountché Stadium.[vi] As can be seen from the visits of the last three weeks, these investments that China will make to Niger will increase.

The current situation in Niger points to socio-economic difficulties that require special attention. In this context, China can continue to play an important role in supporting development initiatives aimed at improving the living conditions of the people of Niger. In this case, the role of China and Russia in economic and security terms will be important for the development of the country. As the Dec Dec relations between Niger and China continue to develop, it is likely that the cooperation between the two countries will be further strengthened to address common challenges and promote sustainable development in Niger.

As a result, it is conceivable that the US forces, which are requested to be sent from the country after France, will react seriously to this if a result cannot be reached with Niamey on the situation. However, thanks to the intervention of Russia and China at this point and their increasing influence in the region, the Niger administration can continue to make decisions more easily and boldly. Niger, which continues its joint work with Mali and Burkina Faso as an Alliance of Sahel States, will also continue its initiatives to act together and overcome problems together by creating a common currency and a common army. In short, we can state that while the influence of the United States and France in Niger’s geopolitics is showing signs of decreasing, the influence of China and Russia is increasing.

[i] Mathieu Olivier, “Entre le Niger et les États-Unis, les raisons de la rupture”, Jeune Afrique, March 19, 2024,, (Access Date: 27.03.2024).

[ii] Marturin Atcha, “Niger: 23 soldats tués dans une attaque terroriste”, Afrique Sur 7, March 22, 2024,, (Access Date: 27.03.2024).

[iii] “Niger-Russie: Tiani et Poutine se sont entretenus pour “renforcer”leur coopération sécuritaire”, Jeune Afrique, March 27, 2024,, (Access Date: 27.03.2024).

[iv] “Le Premier ministre reçoit le Representative Special du Gouvernement Chinois pour les Affaires Africaines”, Le Sahel, March 20, 2024,, (Access Date: 27.03.2024).

[v] “Le Premier ministre reçoit l’ambassadeur de la République populaire de Chine”, Agence Nigerienne de Presse, March 11, 2024,, (Access Date: 27.03.2024).

[vi]  Marturin Atcha, “Niger: la Chine débourse 15 milliards pour rénover le Stade Général Seyni Kountché”, Afrique Sur 7, March 23, 2024,, (Access Date: 27.03.2024).

Göktuğ ÇALIŞKAN, who received his bachelor's degree in Political Science and Public Administration at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, also studied in the Department of International Relations at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the university as part of the double major program. In 2017, after completing his undergraduate degree, Çalışkan started his master's degree program in International Relations at Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University and successfully completed this program in 2020. In 2018, she graduated from the Department of International Relations, where she studied within the scope of the double major program. Göktuğ Çalışkan, who won the 2017 YLSY program within the scope of the Ministry of National Education (MEB) scholarship and is currently studying language in France, is also a senior student at Erciyes University Faculty of Law. Within the scope of the YLSY program, Çalışkan is currently pursuing his second master's degree in the field of Governance and International Intelligence at the International University of Rabat in Morocco and has started his PhD in the Department of International Relations at Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University. She is fluent in English and French.

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