Throughout history, the Balkans have been a crossroads for people from many ethnic backgrounds and cultures with different beliefs. This explains the heterogeneity of the region. However, instability and fragility tend to arise more easily in heterogeneous structures. The history of the Balkans is also full of instability. Today, there are still conflicts that cause problems especially in the countries of the region such as Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Balkans, particularly with the impact of the conflicts that occurred since 1990s, have sent migrants to Western Europe. Although this migration has decreased over time, it still continues. The countries in the region are trying to fill the labor shortage caused by migrations with cheap labor from the Middle East, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
This situation was particularly prominent on the agenda during the refugee crisis that peaked in 2015 and led to serious division in public. North Macedonia declared a state of emergency and other countries in the region were on alert.[1] Therefore, the Balkans played a leading role in the course of this migration crisis as it was located along the route. The route between the Middle East and Europe passes through the Balkans. For this reason, refugees, particularly those fleeing from Syria, aimed to reach Europe via the Balkans, which further worsened the region’s complex dynamics.[2]
The route extending from Greece, through Bosnia and Herzegovina, and up to Croatia, after an announcement by the then German Chancellor Angela Merkel under the motto “We can do it” welcoming refugees fleeing from war, primarily the Balkan countries, along with the other countries on the route, organized bus and train services to transport the migrants in the south to the north. The route was officially closed in 2016 following the agreement between Turkey and the European Union (EU). However, irregular and illegal migrants have continued to use this route since then. The border of Bosnia and Herzegovina with Croatia is seen as the endpoint of this unofficial route. This border, which is the point where migrants attempting to cross into EU countries are stopped, has increased its importance in recent years.[3]
Numerous lawsuits have been filed against the harsh measures imposed by Croatian police on migrants in this border area and it has been stated that such actions are unlawful. However, it should not be forgotten that Croatia’s policies are shaped by the EU. Ultimately, it is not only Croatia but also countries such as Austria and Slovenia that have resorted to similar practices, and they have been met with blacklash from many activists and citizens. Therefore, over time, the countries in the region have increased border controls, but the process has undoubtedly had many impacts on the region from various perspectives.[4] The phenomenon of migration, which began to be used as a tool in political discourse in the countries of the region, has gradually become politicized both globally and in the Balkans, caused tensions in public opinion. The processes in question, with the contribution of their economic consequences, have been increasing divisions among the public, thus negatively impacting the already fragile structure of the region and calling into question the political legitimacy of government.[5]
The biggest example of this situation can be seen in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The change in public opinion in the country at the beginning of the crisis over time serves as a concrete example of the divisions mentioned above. There are many migrant camps in the country close to the Croatian border. The Bira and Lipa camps are at the forefront of these. These camps, closed due to the decisions of the authorities and a series of fires, have left many people homeless. EU pledged humanitarian aid after these incidents and warned the country about this inconvenient situation. Disputes between the government and local authorities have worsened the situation and many leading candidates in the 2020 elections appeared before the public with anti-migrant rhetoric.
Similar situations exist in Croatia as well. In addition to the situations mentioned above, pressures from law enforcement on many civil society organizations are increasing. The refusal by Croatian authorities of a migrant girl’s request for asylum, followed by her death after being hit by a train while walking back to Serbia with her family, has increased public backlash against the government. The rise in rhetoric against irregular migrants is also present in Slovenia and Serbia. The policies of governments remain significant at this point, and discourses against irregular migrants are on agenda.[6]
Another important issue is the impact of migration on the economy. As mentioned above, the Balkan countries have taken steps to address the labor shortage resulting from emigration after the 1990s, managing the process through bilateral agreements and with the involvement of migrants. However, the overemployment of migrants has led to an increase in unemployment levels and fears among the local people. In addition, as low-wage migrants are the preferred choice for employers, the working conditions and motivation of already employed citizens can be negatively affected. Moreover, the countries in the region, especially those in the southern part of the Western Balkans, such as North Macedonia, have relatively weak economic capacities. Therefore, the presence of migrants in these countries becomes an additional burden on the economies of the countries. At this point, the migration situation in the region, which does not present a very parallel course, also brings dissatisfaction among the people. Therefore, in such processes, the resilience of countries depends on the funds of various organizations, primarily the EU. However, it should also be taken into account that these types of aids are not long-term and provide temporary solutions.
The proportion of the migrating population to the world’s total population is not significantly different from historical levels; however, due to the processes and their derivatives mentioned above, this issue has become highly politicized, and opposition to migrants and xenophobia in the region has increased. This also explains the rise of far-right parties in Continental Europe in recent times. These anti-immigrant parties are expanding their base by creating public opinion. The election of presidential candidate from the conservative party in North Macedonia in recent months is also a concrete example of the shift to the right among the local population in the region.
The improvement of the migration situation in the Balkans does not appear to be very promising at this point. As mentioned before, the aid coming from organizations and groups does not provide a long-term solution, and the countries in the region need to increase cooperation among themselves and develop common policies. However, the seperatist issues in Bosnia and other ethnic conflicts in the region lower the probability of this cooperation forming, thereby reducing the functionality of migration policies.
Considering the current international crises and factors such as climate, it would not be a wrong prediction that migration movements will increase. In such a situation, it is undoubtedly essential for countries to develop sustainable policies. The effective implementation of the integration process, which is seen as a deficiency by many countries regarding migrants and refugees, is very important. An effective migrant integration policy and procedures are undoubtedly capable of preventing the escalation of a crisis, or even its emergence. These processes can also make the relationship between the local population and migrants more constructive. Therefore, although a comprehensive solution to the migration crisis in the Balkans seems hopeless, it is possible for countries to manage this crisis with appropriate policies.
[1] Delauney, Guy (September 8, 2015), “Migrant crisis: Explaining the exodus from the Balkans.”, BBC,, (Date Accessed: 27.11.2024).
[2] Sardelić, Julija (2017), “From Temporary Protection to Transit Migration: Responses to Refugee Crises along the Western Balkan Route.”, European University Institute – Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, 1-15,, (Date Accessed: 26.11.2024).
[3] Greider, Alice (August 17,2017), “Outsourcing Migration Management: The Role of the Western Balkans in the European Refugee Crisis.”, MIGRATION POLICY INSTITUTE,, (Date Accessed: 27.11.2024).
[4] Same Source.
[5] Prtorić, Jelena (February 24, 2021), “Along the Balkan route, refugees and volunteers face growing hostility.”, EQUAL TIMES,, (Date Accessed: 27.11.2024).
[6] Tondo, Lorenzo (November 19, 2021), “Croatia violated rights of Afghan girl who was killed by train, court rules.”, The Guardian,, (Date Accessed: 27.11.2024).