Fatima Payman, Chair of the Australian Labor Party Publications Standing Committee, is on the Australian agenda due to her vote on a motion supporting the recognition of the State of Palestine in Parliament on June 25, 2024. During the vote, Attorney General Michaelia Cash emphasized to Fatima Payman that voting for the motion was a rebellion against the Albanese Government. Following the debate, Payman, as an ALP Senator, has been referred to the party’s disciplinary committee by Prime Minister Albanese due to her support for the Green Party’s motion on Israel-Palestine.[i]
Senator Payman stated in her remarks that her interactions with her colleagues in group meetings has decreased and that she was even been excluded from group meetings, committees and internal group conversations.[ii] In addition, she explained that some members forced her to resign from the Senate. However, the government has denied claims that Payman is being forced to resign.[iii]
Fatima Payman, the first and only hijab-wearing federal politician in Australia, underlined that she came to Australia after escaping from the government in Afghanistan and stated that she tried to draw the attention of all parties in Australia to the conflicts in Gaza. In her press statement, she declared, “My family did not come from Afghanistan to make me to be someone who remains silent about the atrocities committed against innocent people.” affirming her stance on her vote.
Australian National Party Senator Matt Canavan supported Fatima Payman and criticized the Labor Party harshly, stating that she was braver than all the other senators in the the party.[iv] This support for Payman is of great importance. Because, as a result of her efforts to bring the conflict in Gaza to the Australian agenda, she has had to fight alone against the opposition within the party.
After being suspended from the Labor Party for advocating the rights of Palestinian civilians, Fatima Payman left the party on Thursday, July 4, 2024. Her support for the Greens’ motion and subsequent resignation had a great impact not only in Australia but also on the global stage. The rejection of motions presented in May and June, coupled with Payman’s support for the opposition motion and her resulting resignation, created a significant impact. However, it is important to recall that Foreign Minister Penny Wong previously taken steps towards recognizing the state of Palestine and condemned violence in the region.[v]
In this context, Payman’s efforts to recognize the Palestinian state led to harsh reactions and resignation, leading to discussion about possible changes in Australia’s Palestine policy.
Before analyzing Australia’s stance towards Palestine after Payman’s resignation, it is important to present its past policies. According to public surveys; The Australian public supports the government’s policy towards the Israel-Palestine issue based on human rights and international law. According to these studies; 80% of Australians support the government’s conduct of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations in line with human rights and oppose Israeli settlements.[vi] Overall, surveys and research indicate that a significant majority of the Australian public supports an “anti-Israel” foreign policy.
In response to the Australian people’s wishes for a human rights-oriented policy in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Australian Government supports a fair “two-state” solution proposal. However, Australia, declares its commitments about peace and human rights in the region, it consistently refuses to support Palestine in the votes at the United Nations. This situation indicates that Australia’s foreign policy towards Palestine does not allign in practice with its statements.
In this context, the resignation of Fatima Payman, Member of Parliament from the ruling Labor Party, due to her support for Palestine, reveals that Australia’s foreign policy for Palestine is not sincere. The resignation of Payman, who has the power to change the balances in both domestic and foreign politics, could have a significant impact on Australia-Palestine diplomatic relations and intra-party dynamics on future.
As a result, Fatima Payman’s expulsion from the Labor Party clearly revealed the contradictions in Australia’s Palestine policy. Although most of the Australian public has an anti-Israel stance, the inconsistency of the government led by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese attracts attention. While officially supporting a “two-state” solution, the government’s votes against Palestine in UN resolutions blatantly contradict this stance,[vii] highlighting a significant inconsistency. This resignation, which has repercussions in Australian and world politics, can be interpreted not only as a result of Payman’s support for opposition against party discipline, but also as a result of her support for the Palestinian state.
Payman’s resignation could significantly change the balance of Australian domestic and foreign policies. It is possible to a re-evaluation of Australia’s approach towards Palestine in its foreign policy and lead to reflections and debates within domestic politics.
[i] “As it happened: Labor senator suspended after vowing to cross the floor again on Palestine; Tax reform needed to stop climb”, SMH, https://www.smh.com.au/national/australia-news-live-labor-senator-suspended-after-vowing-to-cross-the-floor-again-on-palestine-tax-reform-needed-to-stop-climb-20240701-p5jpzn.html, (Access Date: 01.07.2024).
[ii] “Australian lawmaker suspended for supporting Palestinian state says she’s been ‘exiled’ by ruling party”, AA, https://www.aa.com.tr/en/asia-pacific/australian-lawmaker-suspended-for-supporting-palestinian-state-says-she-s-been-exiled-by-ruling-party/3263439, (Access Date: 06.07.2024).
[iii] “Australian Senator resigns after Gaza vote backlash”, BBC, https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c978ygrg54yo, (Access Date: 07.07.2024).
[iv] “Avustralya’da “Filistin’in tanınması” önergesini desteklediği için ceza alan senatör Payman’dan açıklama”, AA, https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/dunya/avustralyada-filistinin-taninmasi-onergesini-destekledigi-icin-ceza-alan-senator-paymandan-aciklama/3262759, (Access Date: 07.07.2024).
[v] “Avustralya Dışişleri Bakanı Wong: Filistin’i tanımaya hazırız”, Euronews, https://tr.euronews.com/2024/04/09/avustralya-disisleri-bakani-wong-filistini-tanimaya-haziriz, (Access Date: 07.07.2024).
[vi] Han, E. (2010). Australia Policy On The Israel-Palestine Peace Process: Influences And Implications, Ph.D Thesis, p. 8-9.
[vii] Han, a.g.e., p. 11-12.