

ADB ready to invest in South Caucasus transport network


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The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is ready to invest in the restoration of the transportation network in the South Caucasus, which will open up new prospects for regional development and cooperation. The initiative aims to improve transportation and expand collaboration with key regional partners, particularly with Azerbaijan Railways.

Yevgeny Zhukov,  ADB’s Director for Central and Western Asia, stated in an interview during the Bank’s annual meeting in Tbilisi that they aim to continue expanding their cooperation with Azerbaijan Railways and work more on transportation, as there are many unfinished tasks for the restoration of the entire network. He also expressed the hope that successful negotiations and a peace treaty between Azerbaijan and Armenia will make it possible to open additional transportation corridors, better connecting Azerbaijan and the region with the world.

Zhukov said there is an old railway stretching from the southern part of Azerbaijan to Nakhchivan through Armenian territory. He noted that if a peace treaty and other agreements are reached, the ADB will be very pleased to invest in restoring this network, of course, according to the priority decisions of the Azerbaijani government.