

Tokayev met with Italian President Mattarella


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President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev held a meeting with Italian President Sergio Mattarella in Rome. He informed tg-channel Akorda about the Kazakh leader’s official visit to Italy.

The talks were preceded by a welcoming ceremony during which the flag of Kazakhstan was hoisted and the anthems of both countries were played. The heads of state introduced the members of their official delegations to each other.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev noted the long and mutually beneficial relations between Kazakhstan and Italy, which is a reliable partner of Kazakhstan in the European Union. Tokayev thanked Sergio Mattarella for his hospitality and expressed his intention to discuss issues of mutual interest, including the development of economic ties and strengthening of relations, as well as the solution of current international problems.

It was emphasised that the volume of mutual trade between Kazakhstan and Italy exceeds $14.5 billion, and both countries hope to reach a trade volume of $20 billion in the near future.

The Presidents of Kazakhstan and Italy emphasised the importance of strengthening the system of international relations and global security on the basis of respect for the principles of the UN Charter.