On 3 November 2023, Princess Kako of Japan travelled to Peru on an official visit to celebrate 150 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Princess Kako, 28, will spend six days in the South American country and will lead an official ceremony to celebrate the beginning of relations, when both countries signed a treaty of friendship, trade and navigation in 1873. [1]
Princess Kako will visit several important sites, including the Andes city of Cuzco, the capital of the Inca Empire in the 15th and 16th centuries. The Princess will then depart for Lima and visit Koricancha, or “Golden Temple” in Quechua, a location considered by the Incas to be the most important and most sacred temple. [2]
While in Lima, Princess Kako visits a school for students with hearing loss. According to the Japanese Embassy in Peru, Kako has participated in speech competitions among hearing-impaired students in Japan and has given speeches in sign language. [3]
Japan is Peru’s fourth trading partner after China, the United States of America (USA) and the European Union (EU). Trade in Peru is mainly carried out by seven Japanese mining companies, which are the world’s second largest copper producers. [4]
This event emphasises the history of diplomatic relations and the close cooperation between the two countries. In particular, the treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation signed in 1873 stands out as an important document that forms the roots of cooperation between the two countries.
Princess Kako’s visit to important tourist sites during her visit and emphasising the cultural and historical importance of these sites can be seen as a way of strengthening bilateral cultural ties. Especially Inca sites such as Cuzco and Koricancha represent Peru’s history and cultural heritage. This visit can be shown as an example of the contribution of cultural exchange and tourism to the relations between the two countries.
Princess Kako’s visit to students with hearing loss points to Japan’s international contributions in the field of social responsibility and education. In addition, Princess Kako’s interest in sign language and her contributions in this field are important for raising public awareness and drawing attention to the rights of deaf people.
These events emphasise the complexity and importance of relations between Japan and Peru, combining cultural, social and economic dimensions. It also shows that diplomatic visits contribute not only to political relations, but also to cultural and social ties.
As a result, these developments also emphasise the commercial relations between Japan and Peru. The fact that Peru is the world’s second largest copper producer emphasises bilateral economic ties. This shows that diplomatic relations are strongly supported by economic co-operation and trade.
[1] “Japan’s Princess Kako Arrives in Peru to Mark 150 Years of Diplomatic Relations”, Associated Press News, https://apnews.com/article/japan-princess-kako-peru-visit-150-years-diplomatic-relations-ac0caa87e3797676742c2c81d7a4b47b, (Erişim Tarihi: 04.11.2023).
[2] “Japan’s Princess Kako Arrives in Peru to Mark 150 Years of Diplomatic Relations”, ABC News,https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/japans-princess-kako-arrives-peru-mark-150-years-104616574, (Erişim Tarihi: 04.11.2023).
[3] “Japan’s Princess Kako Arrives in Peru to Mark 150 Years of Diplomatic Relations”, Access WDUN,https://accesswdun.com/article/2023/11/1212668, (Erişim Tarihi: 04.11.2023).
[4] Same place